RACEMiqo'te Keeper of the Moon
AGE~ 40
HEIGHT67 ilms
BUILDFit, somewhat lean, stocky
DISTINCT FEATURESMissing right eye
BIRTHPLACEThe Black Shroud
EDUCATIONStudied Theology at The Studium
OCCUPATIONAdventurers' Guild
ALLEGIANCEGrand Company of Eorzea
PATRON DEITYAlthyk, the Keeper
JOB TRAININGWarrior, Carpenter

Calloused hands, scarred flesh, age etched upon his visage, Ragi'zi is marked plainly to have seen his fair share of hardship and toil in life. He is large of build by Miqo'te standards and will conspiratorially contend that he was the runt of his family, that his clan-kin were even larger. His most striking features are the tribal markings inked o'er his face which signify a pact with the Elemental spirits of the Twelveswood: a pact that distinguishes his clan from the poachers of the deepwood. He wears his hair as an oily black mane, cut crudely by a knife when it becomes too unruly, and two large ears peek from those dark streaks often adorned by silver hoops displaying symbols of the Twelve, Althyk and Menphina specifically.He trains regularly and so is physically fit, lean albeit stocky, bearing a martial physique that is truly necessary when one factors the weight of Terreveiller, his axe. He bears all the hallmarks of a Keeper of the Moon: fanged incisors, rounded pupils, a bushy tail, and honed senses especially suited for the dark of the Black Shroud. His expression is often solemn, severe, pensive and seems suited to it. For attire he chooses funerary black and varying degrees of armor, so that none may mistake that he has fought for Eorzea, and mourns some few allies from the endeavor; where he shirks black he chooses red to honor the Warriors of the northern reaches of Abalathia's Spine who did, unto he, bestow their timeless art. Whichever the case there is ever present at his throat the symbol of Althyk, his chosen patron.In like fashion to his patron's symbol, Ragi'zi ever bears an eye patch over his right eye.


Once during Ragi'zi's travels through the Twelveswood, his path chanced to cross with a wandering minstrel's, and together they journeyed to the Sanctum of the Twelve. Her insights into the Twelve, especially Oschon, did inspire Ragi'zi in profound ways he could scarcely give to words, and a friendship bloomed between them thereafter. Light-of-heart, eccentric, and ever-devoted to Oschon, Ragi'zi counts Dino as among his most dependable allies and dearest friends.


Father Isarn Lacordaire of the Ishgardian Orthodox Church was born to the Brume but came in life to the cloth, to Halone. After the death of Archbishop Thordan VII he became disillusioned with the trajectory of the Holy See and began sermonizing and rallying supporters to protect the traditions of Ishgard from the winds of change. Ragi'zi, curiously, was one such follower. Something in Isarn's message, however flawed, appealed to Ragi'zi in a time where he was desperate to ascribe meaning to whatever suffering he was enduring. Tragically the priest was executed in a trial before the foundation of the Republic, and for a time Ragi'zi honored him by mantling his name.


Once having employed Ragi'zi as an escort during a dangerous leve, Kokojoni has emerged as one of his unlikeliest of allies. Devoted to the Traders, to his duties to the Order of Nald'thal, and to the accumulation of both gil and arcane wisdom, the sorcerer would appear in every way Ragi'zi's opposite... but looks can be deceiving. The two share an unspoken understanding and their kinship is born from secrets they share - on the scant occasion that they can withstand one another's inherent abrasiveness, of course.


Once a noble knight of Ishgard, Sir Vosaille was sentenced to death for committing an unspeakable sacrilege, though either he survived his execution or was granted an opportunity to flee the Holy See for he yet lives. Plying his peerless swordsmanship for an adventurer's meager pittance, he and Ragi'zi became brothers-in-arms through shared strife. They are wont to reminisce on the countless close calls that they so narrowly escaped by the grace of the Spinner.


Qih'to Potitus: a name inherited in part from conscripted service to a Garlean legion he refuses to number, and a name which Ragi'zi has seen penned on no shortage of received correspondences over the years. The two knew each other only by their longhand, having exchanged letters and shared their findings on the topic of the Twelve, on magic, folklore, history, anthropology, any number of topics whether or not they were qualified to term themselves experts on them. Their scholarly rapport graduated to a friendship when Qih'to, quite like Ragi'zi, could not resist the call of adventure.


An ancient Mhachi familiar which has survived well over one-thousand turns, Taghairm was the companion of Ragi'zi's distant ancestor, charged with protecting a Voidgate deep within the Twelveswood from meddlers and interlopers. Ragi'zi's actions after the Calamity complicated Taghairm's duties, forcing him to seek out this descendant of his old friend and offer him counsel and direction in resolving errors of the past. Taghairm serves as a bridge between the present and the Fifth Astral Era and is duty-bound to defend a bloodline from which Ragi'zi descends (whether either of them like it or not.) Naturally given his heritage and wealth of years Taghairm is a tremendously powerful creature, but there comes a great struggle in a soul which burns so incandescent, which yearns to be put to balance. Though Ragi'zi may be the only one capable, he labors to understand his role in bringing this about; indeed, Ragi'zi and Taghairm struggle to come to an understanding regarding just about anything.


Upon Ragi'zi's departure from Sharlayan, he joined with the Path of Twelve to devote himself to the protection of those blessed with the mysterious gift known as the Echo. His charge was Willow Evinar, a young Midlander woman, and in time their bond transcended the boundaries of duty and friendship. Yet as was the case with so terribly many, Ragi'zi failed in his duty and lost his love to the Calamity. Though that pain is five years aged, Ragi'zi yet mourns her.

Lake of Tears - To Blossom Blue